To assist your donations from a charitable trust or other source, here is the most commonly requested information. Please contact us if your financial system requires additional information.

Name of Organization: SoulPhone Foundation

Mailing Address: 234 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe, OH 45601

Phone Number: 740-701-9793

Email Address:

EIN ID # 81-4529985

Attn: Dr. Mark Pitstick – Director of SoulPhone Foundation

Note: Our 501c3 (charitable tax-exempt organization) application is pending before the IRS. During this standard five year period, the SoulPhone Foundation can receive tax-deductible contributions until such time the IRS has disclosed differently. The Federal Identification Number (FIN) is: 81-4529985

Qualified Contribution Distribution (QCD) is a non-taxable distribution for individual IRA’s made directly to an eligible organization such as a 501(c)(3). Ask your accountant whether you might benefit from a QCD and, at the same time, assist the SoulPhone Foundation.

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