Dear SoulPhone family,
More good news has occurred in the last month with the SoulPhone Project.  This research is directed by Gary E. Schwartz PhD, former Harvard and Yale professor who is now a senior professor at the University of Arizona.  He oversees experiments conducted at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health and other sites.
Parallel research and developments paths continue for:
     1. The Breakthrough SoulSwitch that is needed to proceed with the SoulKeyboard.  This switch will be near-realtime, highly accurate, and reliable.  As few as 8 switches, used in combination, may be sufficient to create all needed letters, number, and symbols on standard keyboards.
     2. The Demonstration SoulSwitch that will take less time and money to develop.  This will be our best current switch by this summer and will allow the uses outlined in last month’s newsletter.  (Visit Newsletters to see past ones dating to 2017.  The team is especially focused on this switch although progress in one path will likely assist the other.
The ‘slow but steady’ progress has led some subscribers to ‘look ahead’ at the potential blessings and downsides of such technology.  This month, I’d like to address one of the most commonly asked questions of this type.
Q: I am very excited about the SoulPhone Project but concerned about misuse of the technology.  For example, has the team considered the likelihood of terrorists on earth trying to contact ‘dead’ terrorists and enlist their help?  
A: Thanks very much for caring enough about the project and our world to ask this important question.  Dr. Schwartz started ‘spirit communication’ research 20 years ago and he has considered the hazards of his work throughout that time.


There are technical ways to minimize abuse from “negative” spirits, but most — for reasons of intellectual property — cannot be shared here.  However, I will share a few technical and ‘spiritual’ layers of protection that don’t give anything away.


I can share that standard language-analysis techniques used by law enforcement agencies throughout the world could be included with the technology.  For example, the software might be programmed to detect key words such as ‘kill, destroy, bomb, weapons’ and others.  If those are used, the technology could shut down immediately.


Also, keep in mind that a human ‘facilitator’ will be present during SoulKeyboard services for the foreseeable future.  As such, that supervisor would prevent any nefarious communication.  No ‘take home’ devices or apps will be available until all possible security is in place.


‘Personal Identification’ and ‘I Am Not a Robot’ tests add another layer of security to identify which postmaterial person is communicating.  Also, we are assured by A-Team members that ‘Soul Operators’ can oversee who is using the technology just as human switchboard operators did fifty years ago with the telephone.


On the spiritual side, “evil spirits” are — in my opinion — given way too much credit.  Insights from the science of Quantum Electro-Dynamics (QED) indicate that you get what you intend.  For people who believe in evil spirits, those are very real.  On the other hand, for example, evidential mediums who do not believe in negative spirits can truthfully say they have never observed one.


Mediums and project team members consider that ‘imbalanced PMPs’, our preferred term versus ‘evil’, exist.  However, their energy and ability to damage others is quite limited.  To learn more about my view on this, see article #47 ‘evil spirits’ and ‘the devil’.   Those words are in quotation marks and not capitalized to denote their relative weakness and inaccurate depictions of them by fear-based religious denominations.


A-Team members who will act of ‘SoulOperators’ also report this common sense model about how life in other realms operates . . .


1. Those souls / people / beings who have highly advanced energies can exert influence on others.  However, bedause of their evolved nature, that influence would only be of good and G.O.D., love and light.

2. Those who have lower, chaotic, and imbalanced energies cannot, by definition, hurt others unless they are invited in consciously or unconsciously.

3. Soul Operators and others with very highly advanced energies stand ready to ensure that “evil spirits” don’t hurt others who are aligned with peace, joy, and love.  To learn more about this VERY important topic, see article #108 Higher Energies, Emotions, and Ways of Being.


Addressing the “negative spirits” issue will take a multipronged approach:

(a) education to alleviate ungrounded fears and false beliefs; (b)

realistic assessment of what real dangers there may be; and (c)

practical awareness and alertness to these concerns.  All this is not unlike approaches we have on earth for people with “evil” intentions.


Finally, much clinical and empirical (based on firsthand experiences) evidence indicates more about the nature of Creator and highly evolved ones such as angels.  (To be clear, this is NOT based on scientific research yet, but we look forward to doing that someday.)  To learn more about my views on this subject, see articles #13 What Is G.O.D. Really Like? and #73 Angels and Higher Energy Assistance.  

Thank you for your interest and support via donations both small and large.  This technology has the potential to help many people, on earth and beyond, as well as our planet.  Your gifts are helping this wonderful outcome to eventually occur.  To learn more about levels of giving and great gifts you’ll receive, visit Membership and Donations.


Hugs, blessings, and postmaterial communication,

Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Director of SoulPhone Foundation
Founder of Greater Reality Living Groups
Research assistant for the SoulPhone Project