Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family,
Lots of exciting news to share this month!

1. Dr. Schwartz was interviewed by Suzanne Giesemann on her Unity Radio program. (Due to a technological glitch, only the first half of the the recording is available.) Click here to hear the first half.
2. Click here to watch short videos I recorded to learn more about:

a. what is the greater reality

b. what is greater reality living?

c. what does the SoulPhone project have to do with (a) and (b)?

d. more about this university-based ‘spirit’ communication technology

e. how does this improve my life and that of my loved ones NOW?

3. Dr. Schwartz has invented a portable research system so researchers at other universities can replicate his research. This will allow (big but very important term): Multi-Center, Multi-Blinded Randomized Control Trials to be run at collaborating laboratories.

4. The first SoulPhone Experience events and HOPE sessions will occur in January 2020 because of the focus on #3 and other critical projects. I’ll share more about these first ever public demonstrations of and individual sessions with the existing SoulPhone technology in next month’s newsletter.

5. Two social media assistants are still needed so we can inform others around the world using FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram. Send a brief description of your training, experience, and motivation for joining our volunteer team of twenty-five members to mark at Click here to see the benefits you receive.
University-based scientific research has definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death. How might this great news change the way you live and treat yourself and others? – Mark
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC

Director of SoulPhone Foundation

Founder of Greater Reality Living Groups


(photo of my office in the Susy Smith Room at the University of AZ Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.)