Dear SoulPhone family,
Lots going on so a short but sweet update this month . . .
1. Many thanks to those who have donated large or small amounts! 
We are reorganizing team members to thank donors and send gifts.  (see Gifts for Members & Donors)
PLEASE let us know if you have donated over the last three years and didn’t receive the associated gifts.  We will send those asap.  You can contact me at
2. Equipment for the multicenter studies has arrived!
Universities closing due to the pandemic have slowed those studies a bit but that hopefully will change soon.  See photo below.
3. A tipping point for the technology and humanity!
Dr. Schwartz and I recently met and discussed the six experiments, over 1500 sessions, and more than 1 trillion bits of data that clearly show life continues after bodily death.  He realized that we have indeed reached a ‘tipping point’ for responsibly and accurately saying that death of the human form is NOT the end of life.
We will be able to state that even more strongly and widely after his next journal paper and six multicenter studies.  However, as a recipient of the SoulPhone newsletter, you don’t have to wait until the end of the year.  You can celebrate that great news now and share it with your loved ones.
We anticipate that this news will contribute mightily toward a positive tipping point for humanity.  We discussed how you can do that in our book Greater Reality Living and The Big Picture of Life for young people (co-authored by Katta Mapes MA, MEd).

4. “I’ll still be sad . . . but not as much.”  Those wise words were recently said by my nine-year-old granddaughter Stella.  She read part of the kid’s book to me and we discussed this important difference: a person doesn’t die — just his or her earthsuit does.

She and my seven-year-old grandson John had lots of questions. To wrap things up, I said ‘You know kids, one day I will probably pass on before you. But now you know the real me can’t really die and we will see each other again.’

They sadly said, ‘But we don’t want you to die, Grandpa.’  I replied, ‘I won’t die.  Just my earth suit.  I hope that makes you less sad.’
That’s when Stella said those profound words: ‘I’ll still be sad . . . but not as much.’  That’s a great description of merging your humanity — that feels scared and sad about death — with your inner wisdom about the greater reality of life.
I hope this information helps you know and show that this brief earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.
Let it shine!