Dear SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living family,
Welcome to this month’s SoulPhone / Greater Reality Living news!
This month, an update about several exciting topics . . .
1. SoulPhone research and development
New software and additional experimenta will enable creation of multi-center studies. Anticipated to be at six prestigious universities, this replication research is the gold standard for true scientific research.
Based on scientific data to date, Dr. Schwartz now has a 99.99% certainty that life continues after bodily death and at least some post-material persons can communicate with us. (That is the highest degree of certainty that a true scientist will state.)

2. SEED Events The first SEED event (SoulPhone Education / Ethics / Demonstration) will occur on Feb. 8, 20202 in Tampa, FL. Eleven additional events are scheduled through mid-May. Visit SEED Events to learn more. Click here to register.

3. HOPE sessions Client sessions will be available on days after each SEED event. Up to five family members or close friends can be present as a client interacts with one ‘departed’ loved one via the current SoulSwitch technology. Visit HOPE sessions to learn more. Click here to register.
4. Greater Reality Living Groups
Several groups have started in the U.S. and Canada. Visit Facilitate a Group to start one in your community. Online groups will begin in 2020 so people from around the world can attend and learn the LIVES formula:
  • Learn the scientific and clinical evidence that life continues after death
  • Internalize the great news that you are a forever being
  • Vitalize and holistically balance yourself
  • Enjoy the many benefits of greater reality living
  • Serve others to help them and yourself and make our world better.
NOTE: Volunteer needed! A person skilled in website creation and development needed for the SoulPhone Foundation team. You will receive a long list of benefits including free admission to a SEED event for you and a guest, and complementary e-books and audio-products. After six months service, you will receive a free HOPE session.
Thank you for sharing this news with others and considering the upcoming paradigm shift as more people realize: University-based scientific research has now definitively demonstrated that life continues after bodily death. How might this great news change the way you live and treat yourself and others?
Life and love are forever,

Photo below: The silicon photo-multiplier tube, one of eight ways Dr. Schwartz has detected the signal / presence of postmaterial persons. This very expensive monitor can detect a single photon of light. When the first SoulKeyboard is available and the many benefits more well known, I predict that this and other devices that weren’t practical for widespread use will be in a Smithsonian exhibit.